True Human Beings

"If you are on this planet...we're related!"

No matter our differences, we all have one thing in common - we are on this planet - and thus are destinies are intertwined. We can work together and create a beautiful inner life, community, and world. The skills for being True Human Beings are not taught in the world. Most religions teach some form of it but then either have great lengths to go to in order to find enlightenment or keep us just short of any true awakening because they don't really want us to know our True Power. It is still much better to have religion on the Earth than to not have it. This site and its Membership are seeking to go beyond the searching and judging and reach inside where the True Human Being has everything it needs because Our Creator already endowed us with ALL. In this Knowing there is no separation since just like the Earth physically represents our Reality of being interconnected, so does our Inner Universe that reaches back to the Source. We, like drops of the ocean, in the Ocean - though billions are just part of One. This basic principle is taught in all Religions because unless we grasp this, we are divided and dividing, we are destroyers and destroying...these are the things that make us unhappy - it really isn't anyone else or out there.

Therefore, number 1 purpose of True Human Beings is to completely understand that the Truth of Happiness is inside of us and our thoughts and our feelings - two of the most powerful gifts from our Creator - yet we are not taught how to love them and work with them to become True Human Beings and bring the Will of God (or the Peace on Earth) to our Selves, our Communities, and our Earth. This is our very purpose so without this Understanding we feel lost and like the Universe is against us and the World is out of sorts and the Earth is dying. NONE of those things are is only US who need to be True and then all the Truth in the Universe will shine through us!Once we return to the Source of who we Truly are then we become fearless, loving, true human beings! The Purpose of this Group is to fill the Earth with True Human Beings and manifest our True Purpose on Earth for the time we are here. The Membership for access to all of the lessons, blogs, and community - along with the store and items to purchase - is #1 a fair exchange for what you are receiving, but more importantly, it is to reach out further and further to expand this Connection to the Divine and One Another and overcome all forms of darkness and lostness in the world. No other Group or Service offers this Community at such a low price of $25 a year.

Here are the Steps to joining our Movement titled True Human Beings...

Become a Member! By joining True Human Beings you are making the conscious commitment to change yourself and the world! Click here to become a member for $25 a year...

Take the Survey...this is to access where you are in this Evolution. This Survey will be sent to you as soon as you become a Member.

Do the Lessons...these lessons are easy but profound. Once you complete the Lessons you will receive a Certificate! You will find the Lessons under your Member porthole after you join. If you are already a Member and want to rejoin, go here...

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Shop and spread the Awareness! Not only are you supporting this cause when you shop at our store but you are a walking billboard to spread this Awareness and start a conversation to bring another person back to who they truly are! Click here for our store...

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BUSINESS True Human Beings - If you would like to get your business approved as a Certified True Human Being Business, contact us here for guidelines and requirements. If you meet or exceed these guidelines and requirements, please contact us for an Inspection. Grades are much like a health code inspection and have a score. When you apply for Certification, the Score and Scoring Process will be available to you to achieve the Highest Score your company desires before inspection. Begin here...


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Mail: PO Box 354, Young Harris GA 30582